Delivery! Ngay Gia Khue Ra Doi

Mom and Dad went to the hospital just after midnight on November 12th. They were admitted into the pre-labor room, where Mom was put on a Pitocin drip to induce her contractions. After a long night in the pre-labor room, Mom was progressing well enough to go to the delivery room.

I didn't come out until after 6PM. I was a little big for Mom, but in the end, I managed to navigate my way out.

Ba Me cua Gia Khue luc khuya ngay 12 da nhap vien de don chao Gia Khue ra doi. Me vao benh vien 12 gio khuya va mai den 6 gio chieu Gia Khue moi sanh, chac vi me thi nho con va Gia Khue thi lon qua...nhung cuoi cung me chiu kho va da thanh cong!
