Today I am Eleven Months

On the way back from visiting Great Grandma Johnson in Santa Maria, parents took me on a mini road trip to celebrate my 11 month. Dad drove through the back countryside where we visited a couple of U-Pick farms and ended the trip by driving through Solvang. Mom said there were a couple of other farms we didn't stop in because I was sleeping. I would have loved to see the ostrich farm and mini ponies that are in this area.

Although I was sleeping, I am glad mom woke me up when we arrived at the apple farm. I have never seen so many apples! There are rows and rows of trees and every branch on the trees were full of apples. Big ones, little ones, green ones, and yummy ones. Mom picked the first few apples and I helped her put it in the bag. After watching her with the first few apples, I was able to pull one off the tree myself. It was so much fun! Mom even let me taste it afterward, yummy, I really like apples.

Everything is going well and at Eleven months, I am developing and growing like everyone else. I now weigh a little over 21 pounds and about 28.5 inches long. Though my eyebrows have not really come in yet and I think it may come in before my first birthday. It's funny to think that my eyebrows are missing, but it's so light, its barely noticeable.

Over the last month I have learned to do many different things. I started the month with standing on my own, and within a week I took my first step. Towards the middle of the month, I learned how to walk, and life was not the same again. I spent many hours over the past month practicing my new found walking skill. Yesterday at Great Grandma's house I was able to walk on my own for about 10 feet before sitting down. My favorite thing is when I am able to hold someone's hand and walk at the same time. I've learned to run around the table at a faster pace and love to solicit auntie Thu to play tag with me.

I have learned to better recognize those around me and the things I share with them. I look forward to bath time with dad every night and cuddling him each time I see him. He comes to get me out of bed every morning and teaches me how to pronounce and spell my name. Some days I only get to see Dad once in the morning because I am sleeping by the time Dad comes home from work. Thursdays are reserved for Grandma Mesic. Grandma is semi-retired and she comes by every Thursday to be with me. I look forward to seeing her every week. We go on walks, she takes me to my Thursday class, and each week Grandma brings a big goody bag for me. Mom really appreciates her coming and I enjoy bonding with her each week.

I am still babbling quite a bit, saying " mama, baba, gaga" and all sorts of other sounds. My first distinct word is "Au Di", which is short for Audrey. I guess all that pronunciation and spelling with Dad each morning really helps. Though I understand more words than last month, I have not yet been able to recite them. I am learning my body parts in Vietnamese and can point to Mom's nose, mouth and head when she solicits it. I can confidently wave 'bye-bye' and give kisses each time I am asked. I still like kissing all the babies in the books I read and my own reflection. If you're lucky you can also hear me hum to myself.

School is a weekly routine where I learn something new each week. This past month I learned to "clean-up" and put all my toys away when ask to do it. In sign class I have learn to recognize a few more signs including all done, more, water, and mom. Though not consistently, I can sign "more" and "all done" back. I really enjoy playing with all the babies I see every day. My favorite class is swimming and music. I look forward to splashing around in the pool and exploring all the different instruments in music class.

Though I have not been eating or growing much, I ended the month a much better eater. Aunt Thu is staying with us and helps me every morning with my daily routines. Eating breakfast with her is a little more fun than eating with mom. Though I am still not eating as much as all my friends, I am eating a little better than last month. My favorite food are finger foods, and I like it best when I can feed myself. Yesterday, I noticed another tooth coming in on my lower right side. I now have a total of 5 teeth and a whole lot of drools.

Pretty soon I will be a YEAR old! This year has gone by really fast and I look forward to my journey and many learning ventures ahead.
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